Our Lists are Special
If you've struggled to maintain other SRS tools before, it is likely due to list management. Adding lists, merging lists, finding duplicates, etc. With Hack Chinese, many of these frustrations have been eliminated.

Like many tools, Hack Chinese organizes vocabulary words into Lists.

Unlike many tools, our lists:

  • Never have duplicates.
    Don't worry about adding the same word into a list more than once -- it's not possible. 
  • Share your learning history with other lists.
    Once you learn a word (from any list), it becomes a review word. It will have its own review schedule, and you won't learn it as a new word again, even if you study from other lists that also contain that word.

Analyze any list before deciding to study it

Because our lists share your learning history with other lists, you can instantly see what percentage of the words you are already familiar with:

Our List Catalog has vocabulary lists from exams (like the HSK), popular textbooks (like the HSK Standard Course, New Practical Chinese Reader, Boya, and Integrated Chinese), graded readers (like Mandarin Companion), and more.

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